En este momento estás viendo How to add or remove WhatsApp from Marketplace

How to add or remove WhatsApp from Marketplace

Before starting, it is important to know that this information is only related to the contact button that appears on Marketplace, very different from the button that is displayed in advertisements or articles created on fanpages.

The Facebook Marketplace is an online buying and selling platform where users can buy and sell products or services in their local community. The incorporation of WhatsApp as a means of contact is currently in the testing phase.

Here we will show you how to add, modify or delete the WhatsApp number on this platform since some users do not want to be contacted in this way.

Steps to add WhatsApp number in Marketplace

To add a WhatsApp number in the Facebook marketplace, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Facebook account and open the marketplace.
  2. Click the «Sell Something» button and select «Product» as the listing type.
  3. Fill in the details of the post, including the title, description, price, and photos.
  4. Click on the «Contact» section and add your WhatsApp number.
  5. Click «Publish» to share your post on the Facebook marketplace.

How to change the WhatsApp number in Marketplace

To change the WhatsApp number that appears in Facebook Marketplace:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the Marketplace icon.
  2. Tap the «My Profile» option.
  3. Tap «Edit Profile.»
  4. Tap «Contact Info» and then «WhatsApp.»
  5. Enter the new WhatsApp number and confirm.
  6. Tap «Save Changes.»

Important: Make sure you have the WhatsApp app installed before trying to change your contact information on Facebook.

Marketero Latam

Hugo Borges - Equipo de redacción enfocado en crear contenido informativo y educativo, que resuelve problemas que tienen poca difusión en medios digitales o bien son díficil de comprender.

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